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ТЕМА: bitcoin mixer

bitcoin mixer 11 мес. 3 нед. назад #100

  • Edwinmus
  • Edwinmus аватар
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  • Сообщений: 1
  • Репутация: 0
CoinJoin is a typeface of anonymous affair that helps Bitcoin users claim their solitude while sending Bitcoin. CoinJoin is a multiparty "Bitcoin mixing" affair at the uninterruptedly of which it is unclear who owns which coin.
Esteem the following transactions мейд at the verbatim at the same time metre: A purchases an mention from B, C purchases an particular from D, and E purchases an memo from F. Without CoinJoin, the popular blockchain ledger would log three separate transactions for each input-output match.
With CoinJoin, only bitcoin mixer one lone action is recorded. The ledger would present that Bitcoins were paid from A, C, and E addresses to B, D, and F. On masking the deals мейд on all parties, an observer cannot with roundish certainty upon who sent Bitcoins to whom.
While some believe that CoinJoin is a modish technology, this is not valid. CoinJoin is purely an advancement on already existing technology – Bitcoin. And Bitcoin mixers offer CoinJoin technology to users.
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